Monday, November 11, 2013

Episode 5 : In the Temple of Hate

Episode 5 : In the Temple of Hate

"What sphinx of cement and aluminum bashed open their skulls and ate up their brains and imagination?"—Allen Ginsberg

My journey into the mystery of myself has lead me here—beyond these doors the insect leaders have told me lie the ones who can answer my quest.i.ons.

I pass the ominous entrance and penetrate the dread space; the temple of a 1,000 horrors known as the WAL-MOAR, aka MOLOCH-MART. Strange figures, shapes and sounds assail my sensations rendering them incapable of analysis. But like eyes adjusting to a bright light —time allows my SANITY to retain equilibrium AND i compose myself. NOW i feel a WAR being waged against my fundamental right to dehumanize and oppress those who don't think and feel exactly like GOD'S ONE TRUE VOICE here on Earth—me.

When you picture terrorists, you picture islamists with stolen elections running into the White House enacting healthcare reform, or wemen trying to increase the gap between their thighs so they can insert more sin into their sodomy holes. But here—a far more insidious form of terrorism has arrisen… acceptance of those terrorists.

I navigate through a gaggle of non-humans: welfare recipients,  professional air-guitarists, Juggalos—my HATE ATTENTION shifts seamlessly between all these freeloaders WHO REFUSE TO WORK and KING O'BAHMA'HAMA THE FIRST for not fixing the economy and getting our jobs back. 


Three hooded figures made of smoke reside at the desk. I appraoch…

They speak in eerie unison, "TTTaaakkkeee aaa tttiiiccckkkeeettt..."

Episode 4

Episode 4 : worse deadly sneak dark-sided conspiracy attack from the insect leaders vibrating anus unexplained vomiting and continuous proselytization.


a storm are speaking to me their secrets "…when high pressure And low pressure masses of air come in contact with one another the warmer air rises, and the cooler air falls. They swirl in and around one another, creating the beginnings of the storm."

traveling to the rainforest . my hope is to burn out the [m]RA thus disintegrating its bandwidth blindfold that keeps me in holographically suspended annihilation confinement and allow me to penetrate the outside world. and the plan is working.  

the [m]RA is overloading— reality frays at the seams . the landscape is replaced by a cheap 2D interface to compensate for the computational load of trying to come up with new scenery on demand. my decisions are now reduced to a list list of possible actions and responses— 

My dealing with the insect leaders have proved beneficial—after i stumbled onto their hive colonies they told to me the location of various ancient temples which may hold clues to unraveling the MYSTERY of my the neighbors, Dimension XXX, the [mega] Reality Accelerator, and subsequent to the [m]RA; the mystery of myself myself. Fascinating creatures to say the least— the insects— they communicated this information to me in a modified binary code language consisting of a series of stings and bites.

I arrive at my destination. Strange hieroglyphs adorn the facing wall . the [m]RA deciphers the incomprehensible gibberish into a language i can understand: "WAL-MOAR"

i retrieve my COMBAT READY BIBLE from my inventory bar and combine it with the INDIGENOUS HOPI PROPHECY GLANDS i acquired from my last LEVEL-UP to create a MEKA-KRIST POWER ARMOR able to withstand +110 PAGAN ATTACK with bonuses to my MORALITY METER. 

I head NORTH towards the ENTRANCE… i activate some kind of PRESSURE PLATE and an opening appears. A cool blast of air and strange music come from beyond the opening… what sorcery *is* this???

I proceed with caution…

"Canyon of Hate"

Episode 3

Episode 3 :  …One then hopes to understand my the neighbors penchant for prowling about various gardens and patios, devouring such spiders, beetles, snails, butterflies, gnats, and slugs as they can find, and depositing brightly colored eggs in secretive out-of-the way nooks and crannies. But They then they then make a game of finding these eggs in the guise of a Christian holoday. the nerve! So I point to my Holy Bible and declare victory. in retaliation the Reptilian androids who pose as my the neighbors are poisoning my hair, but if i stop eating my hair the bees in my teeth will try to escape!

Today i began a my journey to the outside world. tho i know this is technically immpossible because of my the neihbors [mega] Reality Accelerators which holo-warp the landscape in every direction—i know the source of the [m]RA is a growth on mah body body; which itself is another fabrication of the device. No. i merely left my mother's basement today in the hopes of find a real someone. sometimes they slip thru, they are the freedom FREQs, the warriors of the WAR who know about my life-script  —but within my isolated psycho-sphere bandwidth blindfold they undergo a temporary amnesia and forget about their quest to fuse the [m]RA in mah body body with the Blud oV the Black Unicorn. The blank, glossy-eyed stares are painful reminders that they are under the spell of the meta aliens and that i cannot risk revealing myself, for if the truth was reveled to them in that state of amnesia they would think me crazy! and i would never receive the Blud oV the Black Unicorn i so desperately need! …the cure we ALL so desperately need. Until then i must stay thirsty—and for the Freedom FREQs; i must remain the cause of, and solution to all their problems.  

"You and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up, advancing like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land."—Ezekiel 38:9 

"Canyon of Hate"

Episode 2 : THe Hatening

Episode 2 : THe Hatening.

The meta aliens from Dimension XXX keep trying to make me their spokesperson. They impregnant me with trrrible ideas. even still it seems i am a conduit between them aliens still rooted in DXXX and their sergeants who have crossed over to this side of the kosmic kegel kurtain. My the neighbors use their advanced sexual technology to warp the landscape in every direction, trickery me into thinking i live in the basement of a asylum that looks my mother's house. Even mah body body is a lie lie. I'm not this fat. This ruse! To lure me into a false sense of sanity! and extract the plans from the mother realm and implement them in the real world outside my bubble. Cats are my only link to the outside world . but even they make unveiled threats with their eyeses. Who can i trust? 

and now whit the government shut down the psychic machines and hyper demons they keeps as pets will fully infest our waking reality and not just our dreams with the government shut down—the barriars . as i plant explosives at the local christian science monitor I hear my moon brain in the crystal pyramids crying out in warning . "unveiled! UNVEILED!" Soon this inter-dimensional porn cult will unleash all their supple technologies on us and then who among us will be able to resist their taut nubile promises?

The bees in my teeth are getting restless.

i must go back to my basement and prepare for this WAR

"God judgeth the righteous, And God is angry with the wicked every fucking day."—Psalm 7:11

"Canyon of Hate"

Episode 1


Episode 1 : We all know the danger of Goth CULTure i'm sure, my own children seems to dabble in it—idk what they have to be depressed for, and always wondered how to bring them back to the Lord.

So one day as i was beating my children with the Bible it slipped from my hands and fell open to a page in ecclesiaties and i when i started reading it i knew i had my ansewr 

Ecclesiaties 7:3 "Frustration is better than laughter, because a sad face is good for the heart."


Eecclesiaties 12:8 "Meaningless meaningless! says the Teacher. "Everything is meaningless!" 

what better way to engage the sick and depraved and dispondent mind of the goth than with *these* glorious words of God? AND IT WORKED! now when they cut themselves it's with images of cruxificions and Ecclesiates verses. I am truley blessed and caressed that i have passed this test. yay God. 

oh, hi . I am new here. a 'newbie' as it were (lol) . i found this place therw one of my facebook friends today. so overjoyed i was that i found a place i could rant and hate agasint everyone not like me in peace and quiet. i'd love to tell you about my the neighbors who spy on me and sell my life-script to the meta aliens who run the media networks but the frequency feedback loop in my teeth is driving crazy —howling, whispering terrible things about me in a serpents voice— and i have to get to my 'safe spot'… its a couch coushin fort covered in tin foil !

"Canyon of Hate"