Monday, November 11, 2013

Episode 3

Episode 3 :  …One then hopes to understand my the neighbors penchant for prowling about various gardens and patios, devouring such spiders, beetles, snails, butterflies, gnats, and slugs as they can find, and depositing brightly colored eggs in secretive out-of-the way nooks and crannies. But They then they then make a game of finding these eggs in the guise of a Christian holoday. the nerve! So I point to my Holy Bible and declare victory. in retaliation the Reptilian androids who pose as my the neighbors are poisoning my hair, but if i stop eating my hair the bees in my teeth will try to escape!

Today i began a my journey to the outside world. tho i know this is technically immpossible because of my the neihbors [mega] Reality Accelerators which holo-warp the landscape in every direction—i know the source of the [m]RA is a growth on mah body body; which itself is another fabrication of the device. No. i merely left my mother's basement today in the hopes of find a real someone. sometimes they slip thru, they are the freedom FREQs, the warriors of the WAR who know about my life-script  —but within my isolated psycho-sphere bandwidth blindfold they undergo a temporary amnesia and forget about their quest to fuse the [m]RA in mah body body with the Blud oV the Black Unicorn. The blank, glossy-eyed stares are painful reminders that they are under the spell of the meta aliens and that i cannot risk revealing myself, for if the truth was reveled to them in that state of amnesia they would think me crazy! and i would never receive the Blud oV the Black Unicorn i so desperately need! …the cure we ALL so desperately need. Until then i must stay thirsty—and for the Freedom FREQs; i must remain the cause of, and solution to all their problems.  

"You and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up, advancing like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land."—Ezekiel 38:9 

"Canyon of Hate"

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